Thursday, December 27, 2012

Wasting Time On "Sure"

I was watching the movie Imagine Me & You last night (a British film, not a big box office movie, but such a good one). Anyway, even though I've watched this movie dozens of times, something happened that often happens: I felt something click inside my head; something that speaks true (part of why I love watching all my movies over and again, because depending on my current life situation, they teach me something new).

The quote (or the part that hit me) is as follows: "We don't know, you can never be sure. . . Sure is for people who don't love enough." While the premise of the movie is about love, and about questioning who you love, I took this to mean so much more (but seriously, watch the movie anyway - so good and full of humor). I think what it means is that love is a leap of faith. If you have to wait until you're 'sure' then you don't love enough. It's hard to known things for certain and waiting until you're positive is wasting a lot of time.

After hearing it I think about my life and how the word "sure" is applicable. I always feel so uncertain about myself. The things I do, the things I say, second guessing them after they are already done, and I don't believe I've turned out to be a terrible person. Have I made mistakes? Absolutely, but I also know I've taken chances. And I also haven't taken chances. There are areas of my life where I need to risk more, instead of being afraid, instead of waiting to be sure. Of course this is easier said than done, but it I know I'll always being thinking about this quote whenever I don't take a chance. I know I'll always be kicking my own ass when I don't do something I want to do. I have to stop waiting for "sure" and just live. "Sure" is doubt, and I don't want my life to be nothing but voids filled with doubt. I want it to be full and without regret.

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